E-Recording in Allen County

Allen County has accepted electronic recordings since 2008 and currently receives approximately 90% of our documents through E-Recording.

We accept all document types for E-Recording, including transfer documents that circulate between the Recorder, Auditor and Assessor. Customers are also able to E-Record certain supporting documents, including sales disclosure forms.

E-Recording is a service that's available to title companies, law firms, banks and other businesses that record land record documents on a regular basis. (Daily/Monthly).

The benefits of E-Recording include:

  • Faster Turnaround: Hours vs. days to get your document back.
  • The Race to the Courthouse Becomes Instantaneous: Your e-document beats one submitted via the mail
  • Large potential cost savings in postage, overnight shipping and delayed proceedings
  • Fewer Rejections and Faster Corrections: E-Recording eliminates rejections for incorrect fees. Rejected documents can be resubmitted in hours vs. days.

Allen County currently accepts e-recordings from three submitting vendors. To compare prices and to start e-recording with Allen County, Indiana, contact:

CSC eRecording



eRecording Partners Network



email: Sales@GOePN.com


email: sales@simplifile.com

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